Dental Implants at Dental Smiles Chelmsford

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the latest in tooth restoration technology and the only permanent way to replace missing teeth. The implant consists of a small titanium post embedded in the jaw, an abutment, and an artificial crown.

Dental Implants before and after treatment

Your Dental Implant Journey

1. Consultation

The first step on your treatment journey with Dental Smiles Chelmsford is an in-depth consultation. It helps us to assess your smile, allows us to look over your dental history, and ensures you can discuss your tooth implant treatment in advance – with absolutely no commitment.

2. Treatment

The titanium root of the implant is surgically inserted into the jawbone socket under sterile conditions and using local anaesthetic in surgical treatment. After a period of healing, your crowns or bridges can then be placed. The whole process takes place at our dental practice Chelmsford, Essex.

3. Aftercare

We are committed to dental excellence – so your dental implant treatment doesn’t end until you’re fully healed. With tooth implants, you’ll need to follow special aftercare advice during healing, which involves doing this such as avoiding smoking, appropriate foods to eat and how to manage any pain or swelling.

Book an in-clinic consultation, a virtual consultation or call today on 01245 251198

What are Dental Implants?

Implants are titanium screws replacing the former roots of a tooth. They are precisely placed into the jawbone socket under sterile conditions and using local anaesthesia. Once the implant has healed into the bone, a full ceramic final restoration is placed. They are produced to deliver a perfect match to the look and feel of your natural teeth. You may want dental implants if you have a gap in your smile impacting both your personal comfort and confidence.

Who is suitable for Dental Implants?

Implants are normally a recommended for adults with a fully formed jaw who may have one or more missing teeth. Dental patients in good general and oral health without extensive gum disease or tooth decay, who are not taking immunosuppressant medications, who don’t regularly clench or grind their teeth, and those who refrain from smoking over five cigarettes daily are considered at consultation.

Each case is different, so your dentist here at Dental Smiles Chelmsford will be in the best position to advise if dental implants are suitable for you.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Unlike other tooth replacement options, dental implants improve the jawbone’s stability, inhibiting bone tissue resorption. The titanium implant stimulates bone tissue growth to provide a stable foundation for the crown or denture. It prevents facial collapse, restores your bite force, and allows you to speak and eat naturally. 

Dental implants are designed to be long-lasting. The titanium implant post lasts a lifetime (with good care and maintenance), while the dental crown only needs to be replaced every 10-15 years. 

While dentures and bridges require special cleaning tools and sterilising solutions, your dental implant can be brushed and flossed just like your natural teeth. 

Dental implants have minimal impact on the surrounding teeth and can improve oral health by preventing super-eruption and tooth misalignment.

While dental implants have a higher initial investment than other restorative treatments, such as dentures or bridges, the implant’s longevity, and durability ensures fewer replacements and repairs, saving you money over the long-term. 

Restore Your Smile at Dental Smiles Chelmsford

If you are missing a tooth because of severe decay or trauma, dental implants offer a permanent solution to restore your smile. Call our team at Dental Smiles Chelmsford on 01245 251198 to book your consultation.

Restore Your Smile at Dental Smiles Chelmsford

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Embark on a journey towards achieving the smile you've always dreamed of with our easy-to-use virtual consultation service.

Here's how it works:

  • Simple and Convenient
    Upload your photos and choose a date and time that fits into your schedule.

  • In-Depth Discussion
    Our virtual consultation is more than a ‘chat'; it's a comprehensive exploration of your dental goals and concerns.

  • Transparent Information
    We'll provide you with a clear understanding of the potential costs associated with the treatment options you're interested in.